On October 6, 2018, Dorothy’s Legacy, Inc. launched its first MBots Robotics Camp in Ruleville, Mississippi with NASA engineer, Angelo Coleman, and Raytheon Missile Systems Engineer, Mathis Tate. The children had a blast and so did the instructors! We began our first session with several 5th graders from Ruleville Central Elementary. Our second session began with 6th graders. During our first session, the children spoke to a NASA engineer from Huntsville, Alabama via Face Time about her work on the space shuttle and her work researching Mars. It was great to see the children asking questions and seeking to find out more about the work of an engineer. Our 5th graders also spoke with the owner of a cybersecurity and biometrics firm from Huntsville, Alabama. He encouraged them to be creative and to work hard as they navigate through school and the difficulties they might encounter. Last but not least, the 6th grade group Face Timed with an engineer who worked in missile defense systems and is currently working in the field of Information Technology. He told them that no matter their background, they can be successful. His parents did not finish high school. His mother obtained a GED, but all 9 of his brothers and sisters went on to college because they had the drive to succeed. His encouraging words will undoubtedly linger in the minds of these children for years to come.
NASA engineer, Angelo Coleman, led the robotics camp and helped the children put the MBots together. The children began with a shell for the robot and installed sensors, motors, wheels, and a circuit board to control the robot. Mathis Tate, a Senior Systems Engineer II from Raytheon Missile Systems, helped the children program the robot so that it could carry out commands such as lighting up and turning left or right, going backwards, forwards or even spinning around. The children learned about team work because they had to work in teams of two to build the robot. Engineers are always placed on teams, so team work is vital in this field. The students also had to read the manual and follow directions, which taught them reading comprehension skills. They also learned to troubleshoot when things did not go as planned and how to problem solve throughout the process.
Channels 6 & 15 produced a beautiful report of the program.
Mr. Recardo Thomas from the Enterprise Tocsin also interviewed several of the volunteers during the camp. We also sat down with Denise Strubs from the Bolivar Commercial. She posted a beautiful article at https://bolivarcommercial.com/2018/10/08/students-explore-potential-with-nasa-engineer/
We were so excited to see all of the children and to feel the excitement and support from the parents and grandparents who were proud to have a robotics camp in their home town. All our children need is an opportunity, and they will soar. A child’s socioeconomic status, gender, or race does not matter. If that child is given the same opportunities as other children, there is no limit as to what they can do. We’re proud of the children of Ruleville and cannot wait to get back next month!
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